Prince Andrew’s ‘Scandal-Hit’ Life To Hang Into A Musical On 40th birthday

Prince Andrew's 'Scandal-Hit' Life To Hang Into A Musical On 40th birthday

Prince Andrew’s scan­dal-hit life is being transformed into a melodic, which will air on Chan­nel 4 to stamp the roy­al’s 40th birthday. The telecaster reported that the modification intended to reflect the station’s “revolutionary, ir­reverent and iconoclas­tic roots.” Prince Andrew: The Musical has been composed by the comic Kieran Hodgson, who will likewise be helming the personality of the Duke of York. The show will investigate the “key occasions, relationships, and contentions of Andrew’s life”, including the famous Newsnight interview with Emily Maitlis. The shocking 2019 interview, re­corded inside Buckingham Palace, was a work to harm control after he was related with Gi­uffre. During the interview, Andrew denied hav­ing asserted relations with Giuffre or, in any event, meeting her. “It has become obvious to me throughout recent days that the conditions connecting with my for­mer relationship with Jeffrey Epstein have turned into a significant disturbance to my family’s work and the important work happening in the numerous associations and charities I am pleased to help,” he said.

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