A Nearby’s Manual for Hossegor

A Nearby's Manual for Hossegor

Surfer and board producer Damien Marly proposes food, strolls, bicycle rides and evenings out in the windy Atlantic resort.


Eating out in Hossegor can be a shock. With countless surfers, watersports, and wellbeing devotees residing or holidaying here, it tends to be simpler to get a nutritious acai bowl than a plate of respectable steak-fries, with most places serving veggie lovers and vegan dishes. Bistrot Balnéaire, disregarding the lakeshore, offers exemplary, substantial Landaise specialities, for example, foie gras and a succulent magret de canard.

Hossegor’s lake is a dazzling wetlands site that opens into the Atlantic and is an ideal spot for shellfish beds. It is the most excellent spot for a night aperitif at one of the about six waterside cabanes, which are shellfish anglers’ hovels. Request a shellfish platter – clams, shrimps, whelks – and a chilled jug of rosé, then, at that point, partake in the gorgeous dusk on the planet. In the town community, the covered Les Halles market is perfect for cookout supplies and has a good time at tapas bars for lunch.

Clams outline

It is perfect for eating right on the ocean front, and the ideal spot for that is near our surf school, at the Lou Cabana, which is perfect for fish plates of mixed greens and barbecued mussels. It is on the Plage des Culs-Nus, an ocean side famous for nudist washing – yet you can come dressed entirely to the eatery.


I love to stroll along the Avenue du Golf, which runs close by the sea from the town place to the edge of Les Barthes nature hold (see underneath) and is fixed with excellent nineteenth-century manors. I showed up in Hossegor a long time back, simply a surfer, and when I strolled along that road, I said I would live on it one day. It is as yet the fantasy.

At the point when companions from away visit, I, for the most part, go on them out on off-road bicycle outings into the Fôret des Landes. It is the secret essence of Hossegor – something else altogether from the ocean side and the waves. Also, I can’t avoid telling guests from England that Napoléon planted these renowned trees to fabricate warships to sink the English armada!


Request a shellfish platter, then partake in the most lovely dusk on the planet
Life here might spin around the old town place and the ocean side. Yet, those in the loop head a couple of miles beyond town to Zone Pédebert, which has been created from a generic modern home into the riding HQ, an underground home base for surf lovers, with crazy stores, bars, cafés and food trucks. I opened my Chipiron studio here in 2010 and have seen the change in the area directly. Everybody comes here in the evenings when the weather conditions aren’t great for surfing. I particularly like L’Ile du Malt, a splendid speciality brew bar that hums when live groups hit the stage.

Green space

Les Barthes de Montbardon is a wetland region that was once the delta of the Adour until the stream was redirected as a feature of plans to deplete the more extensive muddy region and settle the shoreline. I live close to Les Barthes and frequently come to me ressourcer – re-energize my batteries – because over here in the wilds, the mid-year attack of vacationers appears to be 1,000,000 miles away. The nature hold is allowed to enter and consistently open, with climbing trails, bicycle tracks, and stows away for watching the incredible birdlife.


In the focal point of Hossegor, wine bar L’Etiquette has a fantastic choice from everywhere in France, except the nearby Tursan wine is obtained from a grape plantation right on the sand ridges. It additionally makes them stun privately delivered Armagnacs. The town’s primary party is right on the fundamental ocean side, Plage Centrale, and close by Place des Landais. There are heaps of bars to browse, yet don’t miss Rock Food, a get-together point for surfers from around the world since the 1980s, and hosts have seen a few insane gatherings. There are a few clubs around, as well, yet I don’t anticipate that Hossegor should resemble a significant city regarding clubbing.


For youthful surfers on a tight spending plan, I suggest a tomfoolery new location, the Hejmo Hostel (pairs €74, quarters bed €26), which has its pool.

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